This is the base module of Store Portal. Module Portal , widthout Shop Module or any module. It is required if you want install other module of Store Portal. Please use this release if you want buy only Module WebPortal.
[English] This is the great first web portal on IIS tecnologies. Store Portal is a first complete software for management your web portal. It include Web Pages administrator, guestbook, forum, banner, shop module, feedback and more. This is the lights release, not for commercial use and limeted in number of webpage and shop products. You can buy commercial release on this web site.
[Italiano] Store Portal è il primo portale completo con tecnologia IIS. Interamente realizzato in ASP (Active Server Page) comprende la gestione di pagine web, guestbook, feedback, forum di discussione, banner, galleria immagini, download file o documentazione, shop per il commercio elettronico.
[German] Store Portal stellt die vollständigste Softwarelösung zur Kreation von Internetportalen dar. Es gestattet die Gestaltung eines Webportals mittels Webeditor, Verwaltung von Artikeln, Forum, Gästebuch, Feedback, Download und Online-Shop-Formular. Die Software kann einschließlich aller Formulare zu einem vorteilhaften Preis erworben werden.
Sito web dell'autore
Data documento
03 Luglio 2008
10,5 MB