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EditorThe Forum Module makes it possible to generate multiple areas of discussion and message-sending both public, for ones own customers, and private, between agents or administrators of the company. In a Forum for classes of internet users, after identification it is possible to post in electronic post messages of a public nature (like on a notice board), opening new Subjects for discussion in which others can participate providing answers, or simply answering messages posted in. Through the Forum of Store Portal it is possible to generate multiple areas of discussion, moderate their contents directly with administrator powers or through the figure of moderator. Moderators have the necessary permissions to cancel users or messages, and not to authorize certain contents.

  • Creation of Multiple Areas of Discussion.
  • Possibility of assigning to multiple users the role of Moderation.
  • Management of Messages in Threads.
  • Possibility of determining, for each single area of discussion, the access rights, whether of a non-registered, registered, user type, or administrator, agent or moderator type.
  • Possibility of linking an area of discussion with a menu item

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