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User - Contacts - Customer Module

The Client or User Module is the basis of all the modules of Store Portal. The Internet user who visits the portal can register through a special link. The registered user gains access to the portal after receiving permission from the administrator. Access to the reserved areas allows the user to read information and access specifically reserved areas. Information, documents or files to be downloaded, discounts to access the area of electronic commerce and other items can be connected to the user. In general each module is able to show web contents or actions in relation to the user. For this reason each user with access permission must be assigned one of the possible roles. The User Roles in the Store Portal are:

  • Portal Administrator.
  • Feedback or Forum Moderator.
  • Editor of Informative Articles.
  • Commercial Agent or Distributor.
  • Final User or Customer.

Each role interacts on the portal with more or less authorised permissions.

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