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Software for Web Portal
Febrary, 10th 2006. Released 3.01

Newness and Bug Fix of the Release 3.01
- Browsing of the Files. Implemented the possibility of take place the upload more files simultaneously.
- Manager of the Download. In phase of creation or he modifies of a download, after have selected a file, he comes recognized automatically the dimension in bytes.
- Planned Setting.txt the limits of largeness in MB of the briefcase /media and of the MySQL database. Useful characteristic for the ISP that they resell services with limits placed in MB on the web or on the database mysql.

Parameters[ OPTIONS] in the setting.txt

  1. Filesize: he indicates the maximum dimension (in MEGA) attainable from the briefcase` media'
  2. MySQLsize: he indicates the maximum dimension (in MEGA) attainable from the principal database (MainDatabase)
    The values of default of these two parameters are setting to 0. That points out that he won't come effected any control on the dimensions. The control of these two parameters comes effected immediately after the logon from part of an ADMIN user. If one of the two sizes comes exceeded a message will appear in which you are invited to contact the administrator of the system. The Access to the administrative area of the portal will have denied up to when they won't have reduced the sizes under the maximum threshold or up to when mailed greater limits in the line won't come [setting.txt]

- Manager of the users. Correct error in phase of cancellation of an user.
- Public Area, Forum of Discussion. Correct Bug. An User that has inserted a post in a discussion doesn't can more cancel it, despite I am existing the button of cancellation.
- Public Area, Directory of Download. Fixed graphic Bug emphasized in the case in which he comes shown a [directory] on which authorizations of [list] (Visualization of the Title) are had only.
- Public Area, Loading Caused Shop in Categories. Correct Bug. Trying to load new products in an under-category the visualization edged of the categories you inherit not proper the same name of the category father. Fixed Bug.

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