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June, 1th 2005. Released 2.65
New Applicative Characteristics

  • Webeditor > Management of Images. Management, through a Botton-Key, of the magnification for the images in public area. Through this function is possible to be realize rapid catalogs that show a image's preview and then allow the Zoom on of a bigger image.
  • Public Area > News RSS. Realization of a new routines of flowing visualization of the news to the borders of the portal. It through this new function is possible publish quickly to the sides of the informative deriving News portal from RSS of other web site, in automatic mode.
  • Public Area > News RSS. Realization of a new system of visualization in the body of the web page for the inside or outside RSS news to the portal. This new characteristics apply the same functions exposed in the preceding point for the body of the web page, beyond that to the borders.
  • Management of the RSS News > Dedicated Area. Realized a new specific area for the management of all the relative characteristics to the system of RSS news.
  • Folder "MEDIA" > Banner. Created the ´banner´ briefcase for the gathering of all the banner managed to the inside of the portal.
  • Folder "MEDIA" > Photo Gallery. Created the ´photo_gallery´ briefcase for the collection of all the files of the gallery of images.
  • Public Area> Research. Realized a version completely revisited of the search. I have stayed resolved a series of problems software and logical, he has stayed bettered the graphic visibility of the results and he has stayed addition a section dedicated to the "advanced search" in which it is possible filter the results in personalized way.
  • Skin > Layout of the portal. Modified the type of inclusion of the line skin.css in the ´webpages.asp´ page in way to make cleaner the HTML code for the search engine.
  • Skin > Layout of the portal. Included all the JS script of the ´webpages.asp´ page in an external line (´functions.js´).
  • Skin > Layout of the portal. Isolated the sub of creation of the foot of the headings of the articles (where the link appears "Read..," the date of creation and the author), in way from be able to modify the graphic appearance in phase of personalization of the graphic's skin.
  • Skin of series in the portal > Made modifications in the code for adjust [store portal] to the standards W3C for the CSS.
  • Portal > Manager of the webpages. Restyling of the area of editing of the webpages for a more intuitive loading of the data and visualization's options.
  • Portal > Mailing list. Increased the time of Timeout during the operations of dispatch for the e-mails (taken from 40 to 120 minutes).
  • Portal > Statistic. Improved the management of the identification of the browser that they agree to the portal; now is recognized Mozilla and Firefox; to the inside of the database of the log now comes recorded also the UserAgent strings.

  • für den Erfolg Ihres Unternehmens bildet die Dynamik der Informationen Ihrer Website.
    Store Portal ist die Lösung. Media Online Italia hat das erste Internet-Portal entwickelt, das völlig durch den Nutzer konfigurierbar ist. Die Inhalte der Webseiten können schnell und von mehreren Nutzern gleichzeitig, durch einen einfachen Mausklick, geändert werden. Store Portal ist eine Software in der Art eines Modulservers, die für die Arbeit in Unternehmen mit mehreren Nutzern entwickelt wurde. Sie verwaltet Informationen, implementiert schnell den Online-Handel auf Ihrem Portal und gestattet die Archivierung der Dokumente oder der Files, die weiteren Nutzern zur Verfügung stehen sollen.
    Store Portal manages the following languages currently. It is possible translate the software in a simple way also from the consumer. Is opened the subscription to the Translators Team, a free licensed full module with free support to the members is offered.

    Store Portal ist eine Software, die zum Entwickler ein Netzportal bereit ist. Er speichert alle Informationen, die vom webmaster auf Datenbank gesamt sind. Store Portal Arbeiten mit MySQL Server für Windows oder MySQL Server für Linux, durch das MyODBC. Store Portal wird auch auf Datenbank Microsoft Access (c)" und Microsoft SQL Server (c) geprüft.