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Become a Translator!

Join and take part in the StorePortal Translators Team!
And find out the advantages dedicated to you.

Becoming a Storeportal Translators Team's member means joining and taking part in a community of developers and collaborators who, thanks to their passion and their ideas, contribute towards making great this fantastic product.

The advantages of which an affiliated member to the Translators Team will be able to enjoy are:
  • a free Full Module licence of StorePortal
  • free support
  • free upgrades
  • the possibility of reselling the product in the own territory or on the own web site (per each version with Support will be allowed a 30 per cent discount)
  • the opportunity of requesting new features to the future versions
  • insertion of the own link on the StorePortal web site.

The commitments of an affiliated member to the Translators Team are:
  • translating the language database ("languages.mdb" file) of StorePortal and updating it periodically (usually shortly before the delivery of new releases)
  • translating, if requested, illustrative frames of the product to publish on the www.storeportal.com web site
  • buying licences (in the case of resellers)
  • creating a StorePortal web site in the own language (in the case of resellers).

What you can do to begin collaborating immediately:
  1. send an e-mail to translators@storeportal.com, writing "Yes, I agree to become a StorePortal Translators Team's member", and specifying the language of which you would like to become the translator
  2. downloading the installation file of StorePortal and installing it (download)
  3. inside the /mdbs/ folder, you can find the language database "languages.mdb", opening it with Microsoft Access 2002
  4. clicking on EN table (English) and coping it
  5. pasting the copied table, naming it with the abbreviation of the own nation (e.g. IT-Italy, FR-France, DE-Germany)
  6. opening the new table and translating all the present lines in the own language
  7. to settled work, sending an e-mail with the translated file as attached (in .ZIP format)
Once the translation has been received, we'll send immediately the Full Module Licence Key.

Warning! In order to continuing to take advantage of the benefits reserved to the StorePortal Translators Team's members, it is necessary translating ALL the present lines in the own language in the "language.mdb" database and all the lines which periodically will be sent for the delivery of new releases. In the case of non-collaboration, all the privileges of which a StorePortal Translators Team's member enjoy, will be broken.