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1. MA
[12.01.2005 - hieutl2001@yahoo.com]

Nice work! I love it because it's simple enough but has sufficient functions

2. Auguri di buone feste
[29.12.2004 - info@mappeditalia.it]

Un grosso augurio di buene feste a tutto il team di Storeportal ed ancora complimenti per l'appicativo... in una parola è fenomenale! Buon natalea nome dello staff di mappeditalia.it

3. bittu
[29.12.2004 - ds_dillon@rediffmail.com]

nice portal;

4. Nicee
[02.11.2004 - S.Freedom@Gmail.com]

Hello .. nice Protal System ... keep going the good work .. and hope to see somethings new more and more ..

5. C@ngratulations
[02.11.2004 - my@own]

La vers. 2.6 è veramente grandiosa, si vede che sono stati messi a frutto i vari suggerimenti. Davvero notevole... che dire, la implementerò sulle preesistenti!

6. bravi
[29.12.2004 - ]

molto bene

[09.01.2004 - chetra77@yahoo.com]

Hello , love this portal system . thank and hope you will contribute to everyone in cambodia

8. CHange currency / hide currency
[07.01.2004 - dja.hharianto@cma-cgm.com]

Could I change the currency or hide currency. thanks for your advice

9. Great Solution
[11.12.2003 - cno@cno.at]

´ve been looking for something like this for a long time. Finally it´s here! And at a VERY(!) reasonable price. Thanks a lot...

10. Only to test
[20.10.2003 - Kuzma@kuzma.rs.sr]

I'm translator, I only wanted to see how this work's :-)

11. hi!
[19.09.2003 - ]


12. thank you
[21.08.2003 - khalid_a90@hotmail.com]

i like thise web and thank you for your web khalid

13. Me encanta....Excelente
[29.08.2003 - lmorrobel@see.gov.do]

Me encanta....Excelente. This is the great first web portal on IIS tecnologies. Store Portal is a first complete software for management your web portal. It include Web Pages administrator, guestbook, forum, banner, shop module, feedback and more. This is the lights release, not for commercial use and limeted in number of webpage and shop products. You can buy commercial release on this web site.

14. Salve a tutti
[03.07.2003 - trifone@libero.it]

Un ottimo prodotto...

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